Modifying the privileges of a MySQL user for a databaseIf a MySQL user does not have any privileges over a database, you should associate it with that database. Detailed instructions on the process are available in our Associating a MySQL user with a database article. Note: The MySQL 5 and MySQL 8 servers are separate and do not share databases or users, so you can grant privileges to MySQL 5 databases only to MySQL 5 users and privileges to MySQL 8 databases only to MySQL 8 users. If you have two users for MySQL 5 and MySQL 8 with the same name, and modify the privileges for one of these users, the privileges for the other user will not be changed. To modify the privileges of a MySQL user for database, you need to follow these steps:
Note: By default, your master MySQL user always has full privileges over your databases. Due to security concerns, we recommend that you create and use a separate MySQL user for each software application installed on your account. If you would like to remove all privileges a MySQL user has over a database, follow these steps: