Importing contacts

Note: If you wish to get your contacts in sync between Roundcube and Webmail Classic, please refer to our Copying contacts between Roundcube and Webmail Classic article.

The process of importing contacts will vary depending on your webmail client of choice:


Contacts can be imported into the Roundcube address book from vCard and CSV files.

You can import contacts to your address book in Roundcube by following these steps:

  1. Open the Contacts task from the main menu.
  2. Click on the Import button from the top toolbar.
  3. Select the vCard or CSV file you wish to import from your device.
  4. Select the address book where the contacts should be imported.
  5. Set the Import group assignments setting to your liking. The available options are: None, All (create groups if necessary), and Only for existing groups.
  6. Select the Replace the entire address book checkbox if you wish to remove your current address book contacts before the import takes place.
  7. Click on the Import button to start the importing process.
  8. Once the importing process has finished, the result will be displayed. Click on the Cancel button to get back to your contacts list.

Additional details on how to import contacts to your address book are available in the Import/Export article from Roundcube's official documentation.

Webmail Classic

You can import contacts from CSV files in Webmail Classic.

To import contacts to your address book in Webmail Classic, you have to:

  1. Click on the Address Book tab from the main menu.
  2. Click on the CSV Import-Export button.
  3. Select the CSV file you wish to import from your device via the Choose a file to import field from the Import from CSV file section.
  4. To finish the importing process, click on the Import button.

The contact details in the CSV file should be set in the following format for the import to be successful:


You will need to replace Name, Email, Address, Phone, Notes, and Group with the display name, e-mail address, phone number, notes, and group of the specific contact. The values must be separated with the semicolon symbol (;), and the details of each contact should be entered on a separate line (row).

Note: You can only import contacts to groups that already exist, so make sure you add the necessary groups in advance.