Searching messages

The process of searching messages will vary depending on your webmail client of choice:


You can refer to the following excerpt from the Searching Email Messages article from Roundcube's official documentation for more details on how to search messages and the available search options in Roundcube:

For searching email messages, first select the folder you want to search in the Mailbox folders list on the left. Then enter the search term into the search box above the message list and press <Enter> on your keyboard to start the search. Search results will be displayed in the message list.

Reset the search by clicking the Reset search icon on the right border of the search box. Switching to another folder will also reset the search and clear the search box.

Choose what parts to search

Open the search options menu by clicking the search icon left in the search box. You can select which parts of the message should be searched for the entered term. Check Entire message to search them all.

You can also type specific search criteria directly into the box, such as "from:Scott" or "subject:Conference." Supported criteria keywords are:

• from:
• to:
• cc:
• bcc:
• subject:
• body:

Choose where to search

Also, located in the search options menu, the "Scope" selector controls whether messages are searched in the currently selected folders, including subfolders or across all folders. If a search query is already active, changing the scope in this menu will immediately execute the search again and update the results in the message list.

Message List Filters

The drop-down menu next to the search box offers some predefined filters to quickly reduce the messages listed to their status or priority.

The filter rules selected here are applied in addition to the search term entered in the search box. For example, you can choose to only list unanswered messages from Paul by selecting the filter Unanswered and enter "from:Paul" in the search box.

The message filters also depend on the "Scope" selected in the search options menu. Change the scope if you want to expand the active filter to list matching messages from all folders.

Webmail Classic

Webmail Classic allows you to search for messages via two search forms - Keyword Search and Advanced Search.

The Keyword Search form is conveniently located at the top left side of the message list. It allows you to quickly search for messages that contain specific words or phrases. You can use the following criteria to refine your search:

  • Search string allows you to specify the string you want to search for in your messages.
  • Folder allows you to select in which folders you want to search. The available options are: all folders, Inbox (default), Drafts, Junk Mail, Sent, Trash, and any other folders you have created.
  • Time period allows you to search for messages based on their received/sent dates. The available options are: for the past month, for the past 3 months, for the past 6 months (default), for the past year, any time.
  • Message size allows you to search for messages based on their size (disk space). The available options are: smaller than 25 MB (default) and any message size.

The Advanced Search form provides more search options and can be quickly accessed via the Advanced Search link located at the bottom of the Keyword Search form. This form allows you to use the following criteria to refine your searches:

  • From, To, Subject, and Message allow you to specify whether the sender, recipient, message subject, or the whole message should or should not contain a specific string (word or phrase).
  • Date allows you to search for messages based on their received/sent dates. The available options are: for the past month, for the past 3 months, for the past 6 months (default), for the past year, any time. You can also select a time interval manually using the available date picking forms. Additionally, you can select the "Use the timestamp from the date header instead of the message arrival time" checkbox if you want to use the timestamp from the date message header instead of the arrival time.
  • Search in allows you to search in read, unread, or all messages (default).
  • Message size allows you to search for messages based on their size (disk space). The available options are: smaller than 25 MB (default) and any message size.
  • Folder allows you to select in which folders you want to search via checkboxes. The Inbox folder is selected by default.