Downloading messages

The process of downloading messages will vary depending on your webmail client of choice:


To download a message via Roundcube, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Mail task from the main menu.
  2. Select the folder with the specific message from the folder list.
  3. Select the message from the message list.
  4. Click on the More button from the top toolbar.
  5. Select the Export option in the Elastic theme or the Download (.eml) in the Larry theme.
  6. A new window will pop up allowing you to specify the location on your computer where the file will be saved.

You can find more details about the process in the Import/Export article from Roundcube's official documentation.

Webmail Classic

To download a message via Webmail Classic, you should:

  1. Select the Inbox tab from the main menu.
  2. Click on the folder containing the specific message from the Folder Status section (folder list).
  3. Read the message by clicking on the sender's name/e-mail address or on the subject of the message.
  4. Click on the Download button from the menu.
  5. A new window will prompt where you can choose to download the message as an .EML file on your device.