Installing WebCalendar [version 1.2.9]You need to follow these steps to install WebCalendar: Once you have the database and MySQL user created, you should associate the MySQL user with the database by following the instructions from our Associating a MySQL user with a database article. Unless you have a reason to do otherwise, you can select all available privileges for the new MySQL user. Note: Since connections to our MySQL 8 database server require the use of ports, only version 1.9+ of the application can be installed with a MySQL 8 database as currently this is the only version which allows custom port setting during the installation process. For other versions of WebCalendar, only MySQL 5 is supported. You can check the official Releases page of the application on Github for more details of about the available versions. 4. By default, the time zone for WebCalendar will be set to the server's time zone. If you wish to change it, please refer to our Changing the server timezone in PHP scripts article. 5. Using the Control Panel's File Manager you need to navigate to the /private folder on the account and create a folder called tmp in it. In order to locate the /private folder, you should click the little arrow above the list with directories until you see the /www folder. Then you should click on the arrow again to navigate to the root folder. 7. After creating the password you need to log in with it and click on the "Next" button. 8. On the next step, you need to configure your database settings. You need to use the following values: Database Type: MySQL After configuring the connection you need to click the "Test Settings" button to test the connection. If the connection is successful, click on the "Next->" button. 9. On the next step, click on the "Install database" button. After you see the message "All your database tables appear to be up to date. You may proceed to the next page and complete your WebCalendar setup." click on the "Next->" button. 10. On the next step, you need to use the following values: Create Default Admin Account: CHECKED After saving the settings you need to click on the "Launch Web Calendar" button. 11. After the calendar launches you need to login with username admin and password admin. 12. On the next page, you need to IMMEDIATELY navigate to "Settings" -> "User manager", click on the "ADMINISTRATOR DEFAULT" link and change the password for the account. 13. Follow the vendor's instructions for securing the application after the installation: Important notice: You should monitor the site of the software vendor for any security updates of your installed application. |